Improving water supply and sanitation in five communities in Tanzania

Tanzanian Managing Director of the Singida Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority, Patrick Nzamba, who obtained a Masters in Water Resources Management from Adelaide University in 2013, implemented the first phase of the Five Town Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program between July 2014 and July 2016. With a focus on Mtwara, Lindi, Babati, Kigoma and Sumbawanga, the project’s objective included the provision of safe domestic water supplies, and appropriate sanitation and hygiene practices. These services are vital to the health of rural Tanzania.

With Award-acquired skills and knowledge, Patrick designed water and sanitation infrastructure and managed the construction of approved facilities. “The project is crucial for my country’s development as it increases access to clean, safe water, as well as improved sanitation at household level and at public places. As a Project Engineer, I oversaw the planning and gave out detailed engineering designs that will serve the community for 15 years to come, that is until 2030.”

Patrick says that different stakeholders were involved in the project, such as the municipal councils and five urban communities, as well as national government and an international donor. “The urban communities from the five towns are the beneficiaries of the project. After completing Phase 2 in 2018, water supply coverage will be increased by 30% and sanitation services will improve by 37%. The impact of the project to the community is substantial, particularly for school children, women and elderly people who are now able to access water kiosks and improved public toilets. Following completion of this project, it is anticipated to that 177,500 people will directly benefit from improved water supply and sanitation services.”

Australia Awards recipients such as Patrick return home with new ideas and knowledge, and the ability to make a significant contribution to their home countries as leaders in priority sectors. Priority fields of study are agreed between the Government of Australia and partner governments in Africa, with a focus on areas in which Australia has world-class expertise.


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