Approach to Disability Inclusion

The Australian Disability Discrimination Act describes disability, which includes physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, neurological and learning disability, physical disfigurement and the presence in the body of disease-causing organisms.

Australia Awards encourages the disclosure of disability as early as at the awards application stage, where there is an opportunity to disclose this on the application form. Disclosure of disability facilitates the provision of adjustment support during interviews for those who require this. For those who do not require adjustment support, it opens a space for discussion on managing the disability in a new environment (Australia) if they are awarded a scholarship. The disclosure of disability does not disadvantage an individual applying for the scholarship. In addition, a non-discrimination policy ensures that individuals’ rights to privacy are respected.

Reasonable adjustment is put in place to enable persons with disabilities to participate on an equal basis with others. A Disability Access and Equity Fund is in place to help overcome obstacles that persons living with a disability may face across the awards cycle, where possible.

Disability inclusion outlines Australia Awards ongoing commitment to include people with disabilities both as participants in and beneficiaries of the program (on an equitable platform with others). Disability inclusion activities aim to do the following:

–  Enhance the participation and empowerment of persons with disabilities as contributors, leaders and decision makers

– Reduce poverty among people with disabilities and improve equality for people with disabilities in all areas of public life, including in education and employment

For more information, view Australia’s assistance for disability-inclusive development.

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