2019 Short Courses

Short Courses: 2019 intake

The outlines for the Short Courses are available below. Click on the relevant course link to download information on each course.

Sector Course Name Delivery location Provider
Agriculture Agribusiness Ghana, Brisbane University of Queensland
Increasing the Development of Agricultural Research* Kenya, Tanzania University of Sydney
Environment Climate Change Adaptation South Africa, Canberra Australian National University
Integrated Regional & Transnational Water Resource Management* Kenya, Uganda University of New South Wales
Extractives Managing Mine Closures South Africa, Perth Murdoch University
Planning, Monitoring and Implementing Extractives Investments Zambia, Brisbane University of Queensland
Health Mental Health Care Management in a Public Health Context South Africa, Brisbane & Melbourne Queensland University of Technology
Policy Trade Policy and Negotiations* South Africa University of Adelaide
TVET Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) Trainer Development Kenya, Brisbane Queensland University of Technology

*Citizens from Ethiopia, Rwanda, Somalia and South Sudan are only eligible for in Africa Short Courses.

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