Scholarship experience

There are many support groups and activities available to scholars currently on award in Australia. 


Introductory Academic Program
The Introductory Academic Program (IAP) is a mandatory program held at all participating institutions across Australia. The IAP is designed to help you make the transition to a new educational institution and a new cultural setting, offering an ideal beginning to your studies and a way to establish contact with the people who can help you throughout your degree. You will be automatically registered once you accept your offer and are required to attend. During the program, you will be introduced to your unfamiliar environment, assisted with enrolment, and given an explanation of academic expectations. You will also be offered the opportunity to practise skills in academic writing, approaches to study, computing and the effective use of the library. For more information about the IAP at your university, please contact your Student Contact Officer. 


Orientation Week (O-Week) is a university-wide celebration for international and domestic students who are beginning their studies at university. It offers you social and sporting opportunities, study and support sessions, and events to help familiarise you with the campus, meet people and prepare for study. O-Week is held in the week before the start of the first and second semesters, and attendance is compulsory for faculty-based programs. O-Week is a fantastic opportunity to sign up to various university clubs and societies, meet other students, make new friends and settle into life at your university. 

Community support 

For a list of African community associations by state and African student associations at participating institutions, visit African Australia Awards Scholars – The African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific ( 

Connect with 

Other Australia Awards Awardees 

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