Mauritian and Malagasy professionals prepared for post-graduate studies in Australia

Three professionals from Mauritius and four  from Madagascar are set to take up Australia Awards Scholarships at Masters level at Australian universities from January 2016.

In order to prepare the recipients to live and study in Australia, Australia Awards hosted a two-day workshop in Madagascar from 14 – 15 October 2015. At the workshops, recipients were thoroughly briefed on how to successfully relocate and how to approach their studies in Australia. Recipients also discussed their plans to use their new skills to contribute to their countries’ development on their return to Africa upon completion of their studies.

“The Australian Government’s objective is to provide high-quality education and training to talented Mauritian professionals who will be in a position, on their return home, to make an important contribution to national or regional development,” said HE Susan Coles, Australian High Commissioner.

Australia Awards provides postgraduate training opportunities to 22 countries across Africa. Australia Awards promotes development in Africa through scholarships in areas where Australia is recognised as having world-leading expertise, including agriculture and food security, health, mining and natural resource management, public policy (including public private partnerships, blue/ocean economy) and water and sanitation.

Applications for the latest round of Australia Awards Scholarships (Masters Level) and Australia Awards Short Courses opened on 1 September 2015.

Closing dates for the scholarships are as follows:
• Australia Awards Scholarships (Masters Level): 30 November 2015
• Australia Awards Short Courses: 18 December 2015

Australia Awards promotes equal participation by both women and men with the aim of achieving gender balance. The initiative also aims to ensure that people with disability are given a fair and equal opportunity to compete for and obtain scholarships. Australia Awards has mechanisms to support applicants and Awardees requiring specific assistance.

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