Meet Cameroon Alumni Ambassador: Jean Bertrand Atangana

Cameroon Alumni Ambassador: Jean Bertrand Atangana

Short Course – Post-harvest Management of Maize, Rice and Legumes, 2013, University of Sydney

How have your studies in Australia impacted on your organisation?

I did a Short Course on Post-harvest Management of Maize, Rice and Legumes at the University of Sydney in 2013. In my Department in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Cameroon, awareness has been increased regarding post-harvest losses, not only for maize, rice and legumes, but also for other crops (roots and tubers, fruits and plantain).

Cameroon Alumni Ambassador - Jean Bertrand AtanganaWhat development issues in Africa are you most concerned about and how are you contributing to addressing these issues?

I am most concerned with the fight against hunger and food insecurity, and poverty alleviation issues. To address these issues through my professional duties, I am contributing to increasing crop production and improving rural living conditions.

What was your most memorable experience in Australia?

During field visits in Australia, we received a warm welcome everywhere we went. I was impressed with how farmers are well organised through cooperatives and the assistance provided to them by the government. I also observed the link between universities, research institutes, extension services, cooperatives and farmers. They really work hand-in-hand.”

Why should someone from Cameroon apply for an Australia Award?

  • Australia Awards are well organised. The content of training is useful and a participative approach is used in course delivery.
  • Applicants receive assistance at any step during the application process.
  • There is a follow-up process to help Awardees implement what they have learnt in their home countries to produce results or have real impact.
  • Although Awardees come from different countries, many face the same realities or problems, so coming together during the course makes the sharing of experiences and knowledge easy.
  • All necessary measures are taken to make Awardees safe and comfortable.
  • The awards are a good way to discover new horizons and realities.

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